Natalie Jordon, the artist behind N Jordon Art

Hello, I’m Natalie

I am an artist and illustrator based in Northumberland, and it’s so lovely to have you here. Thank you for visiting my little corner of the often hectic internet!

I have loved drawing and creating for as long as I can remember, but have only recently had the courage and opportunity to take the plunge into the art world. So far, I’m loving it and am really grateful that you’re along for the ride.

I am a mostly self-taught artist and illustrator. I did take Art GSCE at school but didn’t pursue it further because I didn’t think it would be a ‘useful’ A Level... Isn’t hindsight wonderful?!

Fast forward a few years and I dusted off my art skills to design and create all the stationery for my wedding - a real dream come true. Whilst I probably bit off more than I could chew, I loved getting stuck into a big project and having this creative outlet! 

Since then, I’ve kept up a (mostly) regular art practice, have had a lot of fun developing across a range of mediums, and am getting more confident sharing my work beyond my own four walls. 

Our wedding order of service, designed and illustrated by me
A plein air watercolour painting of a view across my husband's family farm

My husband and I moved to Northumberland at the end of 2022, and I’m never without inspiration up here. If I’m not at my art desk, you will probably find me at a beach or wandering across my husband’s family farm.

I love capturing both the small beauty of the everyday in my artwork, as well as the big and breathtaking landscapes that fill this county (plus those beyond it!).  

Please enjoy looking around this site - I hope you like what you see. And I would love to hear from you! If you have any questions or enquiries, simply fill in the form on the Contact page.

If you would like to receive occasional email updates from me, then please join my mailing list. You can sign up on the Home page or through the form in this website’s footer. All are very welcome!

Natalie x